Sunday, July 26, 2009

How To Adjust Door On Chevy Truck

Here I am again

Well what shall I say ... It takes longer and longer until I once by rings for writing ... that does not mean that in my life is going .. on the contrary.
But since I'm on Facebook, because I wrote several times a day ... Status so'n's just spewed a lot easier than a blog text.
is also the original reason I started blogging, no longer acute.
N. plays almost no role in my thoughts more .. even if I do, and off to him think, and still run very much like the conversation would be clarified to which I was not able to. I have yet won through to the conclusion that he, if he had to clarify something, would be delivered are already on me and it the other way villeicht results in old wounds and injuries would be broken again, and I do not want to take responsibility . And the other issue had now done for other reasons ... But more on that later.
had in the past 8 months I have to make some existential experiences that would be processed only once. All this together, just could not be combined. And I sat for a while with blogging ... After all, Thus came together a few themes I would like to analyzing so peu à peu: o)

So what happened: Well

late November urged the stress in my old employer now finally taken its toll I'm left with an unpleasant tingling sensation to my doctor ... I'm a herpes sores have not treated in time .. but not really looked into the mirror ..
As it turned out, I had a face Rose ... now as I write this I still feel the tingling sensation under my skin (now is a symptom is stressful when) ...
Then I got in quite a crisis ... was for weeks turns cold, then stomach problems, and as soon as something related to my job on the table came, flourished, the bubbles ... Mid-February, I was ready, that I have made a decision ... Since I could not and would not be. For some it was Kahren ir health getting worse and I've already suspected as the cause of anything else. Now was the cause of clear and could be shut down. Of course, had also nachgetreten again by AG-side and yes I've actually been thinking about a bullying complaint, but this is rejected, I would not have simply applied the force for a process and I saw in there simply no sense.
I think the term burnout describes quite vividly how I had felt ...
It finally has used a few months before I had my 5 senses back together, and to some extent since mid-June it is now wiedr in new regions. are clear small setbacks and cases there every now and then, but as a phase I do not even have just put away!

I think is still in touch with my favorite (now former) colleagues and learned that it probably is not just me, but the principle of 'combustion' good corporate standard was ..
did not include all ... also takes time.

Anyway: It's Past and now on to the future ...
I'm working on my self, some future Projeket we develop now .. So the story continues ...
Wil is still there and together we have our ups and downs ... Barbarossaplatz we still live, and right now you can stand it even better. Whatever the reason, now it's all about good stuff to freidlicher.

Whether that's enough for a happier future? Who knows ... but anything's better than if I had done so on as before!


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