Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How Does Gracie Grace Give Good Clothes

My New Eye Shadow: Essence vs. P2

Heeey her sweet,

like her in my "Youtube Beauty weekend in Munich" Video ( * click * for video ^ ^ maybe) have already seen, I've got my eeeinige new products.

Among four new eye shadows:

As you can see I have bought two sets and two green-brown eye shadow. And each one of Essence and one from P2!

What can I say now:

P2 boulevard Color eye shadow - about € 2.95

110 Caracas passion (green hues)

same as all First I tested the green of P2 (color 110)! And wow those colors are awesome! The first and the last sound in combination and a bit of 2 mixed (from below) to ... simply brilliant! I think if Willich times are striking, the other two sounds really great!

The colors are of the quality of her really great, and have a superb color output!
you can apply blinding and beautiful.

120 Windhoek Time! (brown tones)

this set, I have not tried yet so real. I wanted to try it once, I applied the brightest tone at the top of the eye angle and had to notice that he is quite pigmented bad .. Then I thought to myself I'll take ton the second brightest (2nd from bottom) for the whole song and realized that somehow this unfortunately too dark makeup for a day was normal ... after a few more to try to save the AMU still I felt like no more and got it back off makeup.

I have to say in defense of P2 I've tried it, the base of Mac (from a friend) and this keeps the colors really bad.

the colors I will always have to test with my Artdeco base and maybe also test just these dark shades of brown for the crease. Because the colors are so beautiful and really look great autumn! So I'll give it to yet! ^ ^

from the ink transfer came here to give me the colors in my first tests are not as good as before in the green set but still quite good (apart from the lightest color)! ;)

overall conclusion:

I find that these sets for about 3 € are really great if you want to have many different colors soon!
is a pity that one of the relatively few individual colors at their disposal. Ie. If you like one of them particularly likes, this is certainly very soon be empty ... -.- I would be for example that one takes out a tone and then only 4 color strip makes this for a little wider.

The next problem is namely that the individual colors are so narrow ... that one actually does it a little hard to catch them individually (and not in addition to color ^ ^), with a little exercise and the right brush, you can do it though! ;)))

Nevertheless, I find this super nice eye shadow and regret not having bought it! : DD

Essence eyeshadow quattro - 2.99 €

2006 Rock Angel Green ( hues)

So I can only say about it! I AM DELIGHTED! : D

The shade above links suuuper is nice for the entire lid, right next to the sound of super for the crease and on the links below I used for blending, for which he is really great! : DD I, the AMU was soo pretty and largely even everyday use! ;)))
really was the bright green mat ton the only one I have not used! ^ ^
But the other 3 colors are just super nice!
The pigmentation of the colors is really good and I was able to work around super. Did nothing wrong! ;))) (Not more than the color of the left is too small for the top ... -.- ^ ^)

-> My Recommended!!
The colors are really nice especially selected and matched!
I'm really of this eye shadow Quattro blown away! ^ ^

05 to die for (brown tones)

Jaaaa these colors have me a bit recently driven to madness ...
I've worn them on the day when I'm with Alicia made the video and the Mac Prip & Prime've tested base. BUT: the base was to blame!

I got tested again today and now I'm really happy with it!
I was able to put a super chic simple everyday AMU! ;)))
I'm right above the hue spread over the entire lid, and if the two darker shades in the crease and in the end even with the lightest shade for highlighting the top left under the eyebrow and the eye angle. And I am very satisfied with the results.


The eyeshadows have a very acceptable color quality, especially for the price! ;))) And the colors are really great for everyday beautiful. A nice set to take it! Since you have everything you need on the eye here! ;)) pity that the dark colors are not something more pigmented!

overall conclusion:

As a whole I am of the Essence eyeshadow almost more enthusiastically than the P2 sets. The color scheme in the two Eyeshadow Quattro is just super coordinated, whereas we are of the P2 can not say. are
Although the P2 also super beautiful eyeshadow colors mentioned, but they can not handle too well in a harmonious AMU. You need to still be rounded more colors to it. The problem I at the Essence Quattro just did not have.

Nevertheless, the various colors of P2 suuuper simply beautiful and I regret my purchases in any case! None of the 4 Eye shadow! ^ ^

My favorite is still the essence of the Quattro in color 06 Rock Angel! : D followed
direct from the Essence Quattro in color 05 to die for! ^ ^

Sooo my friends, I hope I took you with this post is not too much, "added writes the lyrics, but I thought since I had a bad review have found on the products, it can not be bad times too ! make ;)))) Is

But I think there is still a Review follow in video form as soon as I have found the time to do so! ^ ^

with Love ♥ your MauMouse

Watch Mysore Mallige Movie

Essence -. New Products - New Products -> New Templates: D

Heeey you sweets!
Gives you already at the new Essence range?
After I am finally already pounced on the new P2 range, I'm looking forward to the new stuff from Essence! ;))) Although I must say in advance that P2 was somehow more interesting ones, but also in Essence are products here that I am already very happy! : DD I

you guys here are some pictures of the new range of internet search of:

Looks even ned or ill? So as I've seen the pictures, I'm real curious already voi!
And most of all I am pleased with the 4 new stamping stencils!! So awesome! : DD
aaaand Stamping Polish! WOW! So, Essence, the is now definitely fully in the right direction! Keep it up! More like this! : DDDD

What do you say to that? Since it also such Stamping fans?
I can really do nimma they expect to test!
And I hope now the very real Essence several all-nail pattern brings out. I would really appreciate as well as floral patterns! Because of them, unfortunately, still not here are! :! (But at least all-nail pattern ^ ^

-->>> latest release from 10/10/2010:! The templates come
you are starting the end of October in the normal range are associated with shelves
JUHUUUUU!! !: D Well

now we hope that the products soon to be found in the store There!
(Some of them could already be admired in the last LE ^ ^)

you for what you are looking forward to most?

with Love ♥ your MauMouse