Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Watch Mysore Mallige Movie

Essence -. New Products - New Products -> New Templates: D

Heeey you sweets!
Gives you already at the new Essence range?
After I am finally already pounced on the new P2 range, I'm looking forward to the new stuff from Essence! ;))) Although I must say in advance that P2 was somehow more interesting ones, but also in Essence are products here that I am already very happy! : DD I

you guys here are some pictures of the new range of internet search of:

Looks even ned or ill? So as I've seen the pictures, I'm real curious already voi!
And most of all I am pleased with the 4 new stamping stencils!! So awesome! : DD
aaaand Stamping Polish! WOW! So, Essence, the is now definitely fully in the right direction! Keep it up! More like this! : DDDD

What do you say to that? Since it also such Stamping fans?
I can really do nimma they expect to test!
And I hope now the very real Essence several all-nail pattern brings out. I would really appreciate as well as floral patterns! Because of them, unfortunately, still not here are! :! (But at least all-nail pattern ^ ^

-->>> latest release from 10/10/2010:! The templates come
you are starting the end of October in the normal range are associated with shelves
JUHUUUUU!! !: D Well

now we hope that the products soon to be found in the store There!
(Some of them could already be admired in the last LE ^ ^)

you for what you are looking forward to most?

with Love ♥ your MauMouse


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