Friday, March 4, 2011

Franklin Mint Bird Collection

Dr. Sex or Why Buddhism should not be recognized by the state

If you look at only the contributions of the last few weeks in this blog reinpfeift is, you realize how necessary it would be to go with a huge mop of Buddhism in Germany. The German Buddhist Union (DBU), which sees itself as its governing body is not in a position. That is why to prevent that Buddhism in its current state, a special state recognition (as a corporation under public law) gained. When you consider the time scale of the abuse of children in church institutions in mind, it does not take much imagination to imagine with all that sexual abuse against adults in Buddhism, there was only lacked when it so institutionalized, that half-baked character of pigs that are active as teachers, are also let loose on children.
I'll give you a concrete example (and prove myself as a character so self-pig, because I really should not divulge): The DBU has its own journal, Buddhism News . In the coming issue of exclusion is to Thich Thien Sons of the German Buddhist religious order (DBO) are reported. Apparently you've got to expert advice, that the name should not be called and to use instead a phrase such as "an abbot from Frankfurt" or the like is. --- Well, laughs You know? In fact the reverse is true: As the process of DBO is complete should be called in good journalism is the full name. As long as the DBU, a genuine spirit of the cover-up is, too, under the cloth.

And now for a really interesting website, I promise a bright future: A blog on Buddhist sects . The initiator was with his then-wife in the Community "Mumon-kai" to Sotetsu Yuzen - an apparently self-proclaimed Zen teacher, who was under that name and also books under his real Dr. Zernickow a medical practice. [Quote from a recognized German Rinzai teacher: "The known in Japan does not." Zernickow himself claims to have been appointed once the "shika" and unfortunately he forgets to explain that this is just the score manager of a monastery] Lest a look as he drove only in relationships and then to the women (s) a wedge. , as his students serve as labor and financial donations made and let himself go this well. This report is written not only amusing and self-critical, it covers exactly the mechanisms, such as in the Phat Hue and elsewhere contribute (they actually go to the social program acupuncture, etc.).

So writes because times with lively, if you are concerned, and can not remember your experiences when Zensho W. Kopp from Wiesbaden , another self-appointees to mention.

What Is A Average Credit Limit

Crime Scene Diary, January 2011

For future reference: the crime scene diaries December , July to November , June , May , April , March , January and February 2010th

  • 2.1. Death investigations - Ludwigshafen
  • 7.1. Bienzle and the great love - Stuttgart
  • 22.1. Evening shift - Cologne
  • 26.1. Wake - Dusseldorf
  • 28.1. The players - Constance
  • Photo 'Tatort' von Irina Slutsky
    Photo "crime scene" by Irina Slutsky, taken on 1 December 2009, found on Flickr, CC-licensed

    Scrapbooking Invitacion

    Crime Scene Diary, February 2011

    For future reference: the crime scene diaries January , December , July to November , June , May , April , March , February and Jä ; men 2010th

  • 14.2. Class struggle - Munich
  • 20.2. Wolf hour - Münster
  • 20.2. Bombs to be honest - Dresden
  • 24.2. Good riddance - Hamburg
  • Letter Of Explanation Regaring Housing Allowance

    Genro Koudela Osho (1924-2010)

    Sesshin My first (which I broke by the way), took a long, long time instead of at Genro Koudela Osho (and to him it was not). Before he died last year, added Peter Riedl, editor of the magazine cause and effect, an interesting conversation with the Zen teacher out sick, who was a student of Joshu Sasaki Roshi .

    Genro 1924 - 2010 from Peter Riedl on Vimeo .

    Screenwriting Schools In Michigan

    Bibl: Stress by monotony and loneliness

    The VNR-Verlag on a BBC article to study the effect that the library work of the most stressful occupations include: "Is that really so surprising when you consider how stressful also, for example, monotonicity (sub debt) are not and how? important social support at work, one for himself all alone in the library working librarian may be missing is ". Yes, exactly.
    The BBC article itself is actually not so bad and then summarizes the research results of the British psychologist Saqib Saddiq together saying: "Librarians complained about their physical environment, saying they were sick of being stuck between book shelves all day, as well as claiming their skills were not used and how little control they felt they had over their career ". It also noted that tools such as supervision or learning how to deal with stress, in libraries are not as established as in other professions

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Proposal Sample Franchise

    Phat Hue does not want

    well pre-empt the final rejection has the "German-Vietnamese Buddhist congregation eV", the Community, Thich Thien Son Pagoda Phat Hue, Frankfurt am Main, their application for entry into the German Buddhist Union ( DBU) with a letter of 24.02. withdrawn. An excerpt:

    "The attack on our Venerable Abbot Thich Thien Son, the dedication and tradition of more than 20,000 Buddhists, mostly Vietnamese, Chinese, Taiwanese and European origin in question and divided and damaged inter-religious and intercultural Exchanges between Asian and Western Buddhists.

    is the tradition of the abbot Lin Chi tradition. A tradition which, as well as tradition shows, shows with sometimes extreme measures the students minds. As a student of Buddha we have made to many hard tests. . Each group, but also each of us gets his examination of life, showing where the fruits of authentic practice

    1) Note the megalomania: "20,000 Buddhists (and the Taiwanese to them what cough).
    2) The inter-religious dialogue is complicated by charlatans the mortise in the guise of the robe nonsense and - unlike their vows - entrusted to fumble around in them students.
    3) The tradition of the abbot is still not occupied. The fact is that in the Linchi line sometimes worked with screams and beatings, sexual assaults of an abbot, however, include not to Überlieferungsgut.
    A Dharma combat, the traditional method of determination of competence in a monk, Thich Thien Son is not made.
    4) Also read-off the hand, face interpreting, family constellations and other nonsense like chakra channels are open, etc. not to Zen Buddhism, but are carried out in Phat Hue by the abbot in his so-called Zen classes.

    2 Year Old Has Red Swollen Toe

    The secret life of the librarian

    The Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in a press release for Girls 'and Boys' Day. "The high school library a look behind the scenes, the librarian turns out to be as an information specialist, "Oops, now I always thought that was just a librarian, but he really is a specialist in information. -! PS I find good that the library is listed as extra.

    Laundromat Nyc Upper East Side

    quality data: Google Books vs. Catalog

    Jonathan Rochkind wrote a commentary on the text " What Scholars Want from the Digital Public Library of America " by Dan Cohen: "I'd be shocked if ANY library catalog had FEWER metadata errors than Google Books If arene scholars. 't skeptical of library catalogs (and maybe they are), then it's either simply because of habit, or because it's so hard to find anything in a library catalog anyway that you do not notice the metadata errors! "

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    Brookstone Helikopter

    DBU in Vietnam: The sound of the stranger

    Anyone who wants to literary deal with Vietnam will, in Kim Thuy's novel "The sound of the stranger" (Munich 2010) poetic reminiscences of a joyful and painful time in Southeast Asia, to which so many prominent Buddhist illusions and utopias gave. An excerpt (p. 148):
    "My cousins were only ten years old but she already had a past because they were an extinct Saigon was born and grew up in the darkest time of Vietnam.. laughingly told them of how they masturbated at that time for a bowl of soup to two thousand men dong. Unabashed and outspoken, they described this sexual practice, with the innocence and purity of five-or six-year-old children in prostitution exclusively with adults and had money to do and they and not their peers, they exercised for a meal for fifteen cents, concerned. I listened to them, without comment, without turning around, without the sewing stop, I wanted her naive words, do not sully their innocence through my eyes. "