Friday, March 4, 2011

Franklin Mint Bird Collection

Dr. Sex or Why Buddhism should not be recognized by the state

If you look at only the contributions of the last few weeks in this blog reinpfeift is, you realize how necessary it would be to go with a huge mop of Buddhism in Germany. The German Buddhist Union (DBU), which sees itself as its governing body is not in a position. That is why to prevent that Buddhism in its current state, a special state recognition (as a corporation under public law) gained. When you consider the time scale of the abuse of children in church institutions in mind, it does not take much imagination to imagine with all that sexual abuse against adults in Buddhism, there was only lacked when it so institutionalized, that half-baked character of pigs that are active as teachers, are also let loose on children.
I'll give you a concrete example (and prove myself as a character so self-pig, because I really should not divulge): The DBU has its own journal, Buddhism News . In the coming issue of exclusion is to Thich Thien Sons of the German Buddhist religious order (DBO) are reported. Apparently you've got to expert advice, that the name should not be called and to use instead a phrase such as "an abbot from Frankfurt" or the like is. --- Well, laughs You know? In fact the reverse is true: As the process of DBO is complete should be called in good journalism is the full name. As long as the DBU, a genuine spirit of the cover-up is, too, under the cloth.

And now for a really interesting website, I promise a bright future: A blog on Buddhist sects . The initiator was with his then-wife in the Community "Mumon-kai" to Sotetsu Yuzen - an apparently self-proclaimed Zen teacher, who was under that name and also books under his real Dr. Zernickow a medical practice. [Quote from a recognized German Rinzai teacher: "The known in Japan does not." Zernickow himself claims to have been appointed once the "shika" and unfortunately he forgets to explain that this is just the score manager of a monastery] Lest a look as he drove only in relationships and then to the women (s) a wedge. , as his students serve as labor and financial donations made and let himself go this well. This report is written not only amusing and self-critical, it covers exactly the mechanisms, such as in the Phat Hue and elsewhere contribute (they actually go to the social program acupuncture, etc.).

So writes because times with lively, if you are concerned, and can not remember your experiences when Zensho W. Kopp from Wiesbaden , another self-appointees to mention.


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