Monday, January 31, 2011

Ophthalmic Migraine Over Days

!! Personal "Most Viewed record:))

Boa people! Thanks!

I'm just very flat! :))))

Guggt times:

My absolute personal record! :)))) * Cheering *
Is ned awesome?

You are so great! Thank you! : D ♥ ♥ ♥

Grüßle So by your totally overwrought ♥ MauMouse

How Much Day Time Is Gained

Library Photos from Dusseldorf

Photo Schild in einer Bibliothek mit Aufschrift 'Bitte blätern Sie leise durch die DVD-Videos'

A first selection of photos from my Dusseldorf is short-stay on it Flickr seen. They come mainly from the University and State Library and the Central Library.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

How To Fondue Without A Fondue Pot

Antoine, the gay librarian

"Actually, Julie was looking for only one model for the latest men's collection. But the attractive Nicolas rehearsed the household brings thoroughly confused between the fashion photographer and the gay librarian Antoine "The Osnabrueck newspaper an amateur game week

Chicago Gay Men's Chorus at ALA Annual Conference
ALA - The American Library Association:.." Gay Choir, recorded on July 11, 2009 at the Annual Conference

Friday, January 28, 2011

Low Case Of Genital Warts

Scam 2.0

Unpackbar - now I get even Scam -LETTERS Curiously, the letter of the Venetian lawyer with a English email address, will get me $ 32,000,000 abandoned in Lisbon ... Ah, the not entirely satisfactory explanation follows in the next Paragraph: "At the moment I am in our office in Porto" ;-) The already warning against Labour.

Photo 'The Scam Truck' von Jean-Etienne Poirrier
Photo "The scam truck" by Jean-Etienne Poirrier received on 16 November 2007 Embourg, CC License

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Masterbate Guys

Kidô Goroku

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Regal Kitchen Pro Breadmaker K6743 Manual

Zen koan No. 93 - Seref

The razor
Before Master Sai-settled in himself as a priest, he lived in the prefecture Kyo where he heard that Master Nan had settled in as a priest. The two had studied together Buddhism and so was looking at Sai-Nan-in, and said the reunion: "I have nothing to give special, but to my way of Kyo now I have a razor in the district Kôzei acquired. I would like to give you, "replied Nan-in". You came from the prefecture so Kyo? How did you then get a razor from Kôzei? "Sai-in made a cutting motion with the razor in your carry-on Nan. Nan-in said: "Mate, take that away," went with a flutter of his sleeves-Sai in it. Nan-in smiled: "Ha, ha!"

master Kidô

Let's talk from the heart about old times. talk

master Hakuin

on familiar way over mountains, clouds, ocean and the moon.

Vacinas For Dogs Peteco

Mekhitarist anniversary in Vienna

"The oldest manuscript , which is kept in Mechitharistenkloster dates from the 9th century, it is the Lazarian Gospels. Only in Yerevan, Jerusalem and Venice, there are more Armenian manuscripts as the Vienna Mekhitarist. The Armenian monks in Vienna, but they also have a complete documentation all Armenian newspapers - a treasure trove for historians "

Photo eines Buches, Bild (c) Mechitharisten photo of the front page of, text from the press release." 200 years Mekhitarist in Vienna, via APA OTS 26 January 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

K Movie Cheaters Movie Online

Kidô Goroku

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pokemon Listing 1 To 150

[mini day] Bad Things

dear ones,

times now something completely different from me! ^ ^
I was tagged, from the love glamourela ( Blog ) <-- rein schauen! :)

It is only a very short day and you should list 5 things you do not like:

bad weather
Bad Attitude
Unfriendly people
bad cosmetics ^ ^

So enough negative chatter! : DDD
on the positive things in life! :) ♥ your

Grüßle MauMouse

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mac Service Initialization Failed

[Nail Design] purple sparks

Hey sweets!

Sooo here for a change again, a nail design!

video I've unfortunately stupidly turned to none!
But if you want to have more information to it, I'll make you! :) Best wishes ♥


(click to enlarge easy)

How To Do A Impossible On A Techdeck

Eyelash Curler warning

Along the way I want you my Malheur tell! has

Maybe you even own the eyelash curler from Maybelline and if not, it is a shame not to see the video once!

I wish anyone this misfortune to have to share with me ..

with Love ♥ your MauMouse

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Should A 4 Week Old Baby's Temperature Be

unemployed pastor must be a librarian celebrate ;-)

The messenger of historic Switzerland reported an unemployed pastor, the employment office is now looking for the reasonable alternative activities. And what is that? "A priest must be unemployed, for example, a TAE ; ACTION in the administration, as a librarian or a faculty member, accept absolutely, "says the head of Office work .

Photo der Klosterbibliothek Waldsassen
Ela2007 "Waldsassen", recorded on 19 September 2008, found on Flickr, CC-licensed

Monday, January 17, 2011

Is Northface On The Back Of Northface Jackets

tastes of childhood

Based on Tweet Catherine Seiser about the increasingly disappearing from the menus of bread with butter Sardellenringerl I've been thinking about food and flavors of my childhood, So things you no longer get or which I no longer eat. The list will expand I, whenever I think of something. I am also pleased to report my readers!

  • Risipisi with canned peaches - there could be Stir the rice with the juice so beautiful
  • at our neighbor, Aunt Rosie, there was Brennesselschöberl, cream soup with potato balls and lard bread with onion and Maggi
  • with my aunt gave us some bread and butter with granulated sugar
  • on it when we drove to Wiener Neustadt in the library, there was a drugstore across from where I am on a good day Schrotstangerl and freshly squeezed carrot juice was
  • Sana chocolate truffles from Hofer
  • my nurse made a brilliant bean soup with noodles - I do not know if was the runner beans, but at any rate, the soup
  • violet In the neighboring Unger at the inn, there was a ham steak, which we have kids actually selected the time - even with canned peaches
  • not there was an apricot-everyday myths?
  • Photo von Karottensaft
    Swamibu: "Frothy Carrot Juice", recorded on 19 February 2008, found on Flickr, CC-licensed

    Update 17.1. After this entry is to be read on Facebook, have there some friends posted memories to me are also familiar: Stollwerck, candy necklaces, Fizz, ice confection Himbeerkracherl , rotary & Drink, PEZ ... I am still of the cold carbon occurred on black bread, which have My sister and I loved.