Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Regal Kitchen Pro Breadmaker K6743 Manual

Zen koan No. 93 - Seref

The razor
Before Master Sai-settled in himself as a priest, he lived in the prefecture Kyo where he heard that Master Nan had settled in as a priest. The two had studied together Buddhism and so was looking at Sai-Nan-in, and said the reunion: "I have nothing to give special, but to my way of Kyo now I have a razor in the district Kôzei acquired. I would like to give you, "replied Nan-in". You came from the prefecture so Kyo? How did you then get a razor from Kôzei? "Sai-in made a cutting motion with the razor in your carry-on Nan. Nan-in said: "Mate, take that away," went with a flutter of his sleeves-Sai in it. Nan-in smiled: "Ha, ha!"

master Kidô

Let's talk from the heart about old times. talk

master Hakuin

on familiar way over mountains, clouds, ocean and the moon.


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