Monday, January 17, 2011

Is Northface On The Back Of Northface Jackets

tastes of childhood

Based on Tweet Catherine Seiser about the increasingly disappearing from the menus of bread with butter Sardellenringerl I've been thinking about food and flavors of my childhood, So things you no longer get or which I no longer eat. The list will expand I, whenever I think of something. I am also pleased to report my readers!

  • Risipisi with canned peaches - there could be Stir the rice with the juice so beautiful
  • at our neighbor, Aunt Rosie, there was Brennesselschöberl, cream soup with potato balls and lard bread with onion and Maggi
  • with my aunt gave us some bread and butter with granulated sugar
  • on it when we drove to Wiener Neustadt in the library, there was a drugstore across from where I am on a good day Schrotstangerl and freshly squeezed carrot juice was
  • Sana chocolate truffles from Hofer
  • my nurse made a brilliant bean soup with noodles - I do not know if was the runner beans, but at any rate, the soup
  • violet In the neighboring Unger at the inn, there was a ham steak, which we have kids actually selected the time - even with canned peaches
  • not there was an apricot-everyday myths?
  • Photo von Karottensaft
    Swamibu: "Frothy Carrot Juice", recorded on 19 February 2008, found on Flickr, CC-licensed

    Update 17.1. After this entry is to be read on Facebook, have there some friends posted memories to me are also familiar: Stollwerck, candy necklaces, Fizz, ice confection Himbeerkracherl , rotary & Drink, PEZ ... I am still of the cold carbon occurred on black bread, which have My sister and I loved.


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