Monday, October 4, 2010

Free Sample Letter For Community Service Done

My opinion - P2 Crackling paint

Hey lovelies,

of course I had to (like most) also Crackling paint these a try!

Yes, and here to my mind:

The idea itself I found super interesting, and also the implementation is easy!

You must apply the mixture only the crackling varnish over another nail polish and the cracks arise all by itself!

(you can when applying even a little influence how the pattern will be. When the paint thick plotting, generate large "fragments", the thinner it is commanded him, the smaller and the particles! )

I have the Paint on the new apple green nail polish from Essence tested.
At first I found the whole very stylish.
next day (in daylight) but I found it about a lot less beautiful (the green was totally green - yellow) and I still have a gold glitter paint painted over it. What all have sadly not much better ...

I assume that if one combines the crackling paint with the right colors, sure it looks very stylish. With the green it was not even ...

So not se ne is the great and simple thing, but definitely suitable for working professionals. for the students is certainly better suited! Or if you want to conjure up Halloween with black nor something creepy effects on his nails! ;)

The Silver I also bought but have not taken very seriously! ;)))

So in itself quite interesting, unfortunately not suitable for every day.
The nails look just something to Crazy! ;)))

What do you think because of this er ... funny paint?

Greetings ♥ MauMouse


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