Monday, February 28, 2011

Stomach Virus Houston December

addition to the title proper

Edlef Stabenau Netbib asks: "Is that really a rumor that doctors at the University of Bayreuth in the future '(University Bayreuth) 'should lead behind her doctorate "(via Wolfgang Kauders)

Photo eines aus einer Dollarnote gefalteten Doktorhuts
Jon Tucker."? Mortarboard ", recorded on 20 June 2007, CC-BY-NC-SA license

Red And White Italian Tablecloths

EL Doctorow

" Twenty hours a day, he sits cross-legged in a drafty farm house, meditating that is really in this Zen monasteries, as it is by no means herumgevögelt. And Angel has been able to avert aufzufahren nothing else but that it had on Zen Buddhism herausgespürt always been a selfish train, but that there is probably a response, if I understand Zen only right that I do not know what means I do it. "
(EL Doctorow: The life of the poet , Cologne 1995)

" We had such a joke, Langley and I: Someone is dying and asks whether there is life after death There. Yes, the answer is, not just yours. "

" ... how terrible this consciousness that is invariably his confidence is "
. (EL Doctorow: Homer & Langley , Cologne 2011)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fashion Bug Birthday Coupon

The lessons of the botched CIA

(recycled from the forum of DBU, 2007; Photo: Vajraspanner,

Nydahl I had seen some years ago on television by Alfred Biolek, but never personally met, so I looked curiously at me as some posts on I was startled the first time on teachers and students second (in parentheses below the minute, to which my comments ) Belong.

Ole Nydahl speaks of monks and nuns who had nothing to do with sex "or that AT teachers want to do nothing" (1:45). This formulation is psychologically interesting, I will spare myself, but one interpretation, and leave it to the viewer. Anyway, it's usually a way to sneak that lack of knowledge about the human condition (which may be a lack of training) the following errors: "A yogi should always have the power, otherwise it is unusable." The right question is: it creates a life "without sag phase" (4:00) My grade: 1) Everyone has weaknesses, including a "Yogi". 2) What is a word choice when it comes to people, "usable"?

And now it was not further vewunderlich that with the really important things (the above should make an already suspicious but, if one wants to entrust Nydahl as a student), so content, Buddhists outside the horror can come.

The Karma speech

Nydahl said that everything that was not already, could be changed (1:50). WHERE is the claim in the scriptures? I simply ask you: Did you also feel that it is so? Before I play the karma doctrine, as I know it, here (it includes changeable as unchangeable events) I call just to die. No one can, even if it is not just dying to escape the dying. Such a proposition is nonsense, and someone who is not even an agnostic would pray formally, that the Buddhist doctrine does not contain such nonsense. But it is clear why Nydahl speaks thus: Because it is a dream of people who really influence everything in the form of omnipotence to. They fail, of course, every day: When all the rolls are baking, the train is late, etc. Continuously there are things that are just not altered. Man is, as far as external conditions, also very much a pawn of forces beyond his control.
As of 4:45
defined Nydahl Karma (the full badge that makes out karma ") with four indicators: recognize the situation, feel the urge to act, and act - SATISFACTION (" satisfaction ") about the result. The point is that karma "negative" effect. Interestingly, he starts from 13:00 on the killing in order to explain these four characteristics. Even at 13:20 he calls "abortion," abortion as an example - and hopelessly bogged down, without it quite remarkable. Because he does say that it is better to adopt children, but at the same time he confirmed that there lacks a satisfaction (which would indeed mean exactly that the karma does not produce fully would). Those objectives are already clear that "satisfaction" not suitable to explain the concept of karma. Consider a woman who was raped and aborts the child. Let other hand, an abortion the child because they will not give up their freedoms. Let us assume that both are somewhat at the end of abortion satisfied ("happy"). Do you think really, they would create the same karma, just because the four are provided by Nydahl said properties? Another example I remember from the interview of a Mafia godfather, has been written about in the press. This murderer was able to establish that he felt no guilt and no remorse. He felt at all undischarged, just his job, so felt no satisfaction. Well, do you mean loud Nydahl, he has made no special karma?

at 20:00 Nydahl says that there is no collective Karma, Karma bring people in individual circumstances with such people, would like the Karma. I ask you: Why were then destroyed in human history, large parts of Volkgsruppen (Jews, Armenians, Tutsis, etc.) - in other words: Collective? Does this for all the people who died in Nazi Germany or Pol Pot, who had done so because of their bad karma? Anne Frank was so such a lousy karma? But since (see above) everything that is not done yet, can be changed, why she could not escape their fate? Yet another logical contradiction, and what outsiders would not now believe that Buddhism is a very depraved ethics must, if he thinks that the perpetrators would have had a better karma than the victim. If, as a Buddhist karma doctrine so narrows, we should by all those good people will spit on the basis of blind greed for power lost (as in many dictatorships).

WO stands in the tradition that there are only individual karma, but if the individual ego and empty?

But Nydahl says: "the moment we die everybody's MIND is out there experiencing its own fruits "(21:15). WHAT IS EVERYBODY'S (individual) mind? This is the only one of the critical issues that were not deleted from the youtube comment forum below the film article. Nydahl A supporter responds to the question - in characteristic style Nydhals - what was to be born again if there is no ego. Yes, the ego is the cause for rebirths, but there were also those who promise abgäben and want to help others and would be reborn so

And there we have the last, crucial contradiction: no promise to help every wish one could exist without ego joke now. Sure, it must be so, because without ego, no rebirth. On the other hand, we may conclude from this that all who wish to be reborn, their egos have not just overcome. Why should we accept this as a Buddhist teacher? You have not understood the essence of the doctrine: the letting go of all that non-attachment. That is why they are born again of the same reasons as everyone else (if you believe in it).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Period Was Early And Short And Heavy

Lama Ole Nydahl : Thich Nhat Hanh was a militant Buddhist

The following document indicates who may have leaked to the activities of some Vietnamese Buddhists, including Thich Nhat Hanh, - namely, the Communist Viet Cong (VC). The matter is not easily understood if one not delve into something modern Vietnamese history. Essentially, it boils down to is that of Thich Tri Quang pages, the ringleader of the militant Buddhists (the TNH was obviously close to), NOT Nguyen Cao Ky was supported, who was prime minister in 1965-1967 and 1967-1971 Vice-Vietnam and the backing of the Americans and the moderate Buddhist leader Tam Chau began. Extract from the pdf:



more information on the Buddhist resistance in Vietnam here

(Photo: Thich Nhat Hanh in Vietnam during his trip in 2007 After a long stay in a For Guang Shan Temple in Taiwan and teaching activities in the U.S., he went on extensive travels in China and discovered agriculture border Zen mountain ascetic (which could be Edward A. Burger for his documentary "Amongst White Clouds" inspired that one here eng full length. can see subtitles). On a pilgrimage to the temples and practice sites in the first six Zen patriarch of China, he met a very lively tradition of Zen (which, surprisingly, even so - and not Chan - call it), fascinating masters, students, nuns (many of them old as the hills) and walked in the footsteps of the legendary Hsu Yun, one of whose Dharma heir Ching-hui, a key figure in the Chinese Zen and he is very loving and respectful is portrayed. Surprising You also can learn about the Shaolin Monastery and then recovered to tradition was Meditative (recently, a large meditation hall built), and their involvement in the political business. But

Ban From Coach Stores

;-) What do aliens from our culture?

Yesterday I had to one of the documentary film festival Knut Karger " What will remain" (camera: Diana Weilepp ) seen If humanity becomes extinct at some point and discover extraterrestrials to our planet, what would you find them. and (how) they could indicate that? "Karger said, for example, an employee of the International Time Capsule Society , one of several one thousand years scale time capsule store and provide useful tips on its website, if you want to build themselves a time. Interestingly, the crops whose seeds in a gene bank were stored, some placed in liquid nitrogen and reused at any time. They would without the assistance of people from their primitive relatives of robust growth. Even the Bavarian Central State Archives with his files and microfilms and Barbarastollen were subject. Of course, even on the Voyager - and Pioneer reported probes, which, if everything goes well, our solar system leave.
It was mentioned that the aliens would get no insight into our everyday culture. That probably applies to the state archives, but what about the collected posters, photos, blogs and tweets? I think, because you can already read a lot about our everyday lives.

Voyager Uranus, Photo einer Sonde im Orbit des Uranus
Bruce "flying singer" Irving: "Voyager Uranus", 27 December 2005, CC-BY license

An interesting aspect was that these aliens have the opportunity not only would our writing, pictures, videos, etc. to perceive and identify as such, but that they ü at all something like "past" in their Culture of curiosity and the corresponding need to have it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Poptropica Credits Edit

Like the Zen in China, lives

In blog comment a former student of Dainin Katagiri
(once including right-hand Suzuki Roshi) I found the following note values set in response to rumors of an affair catagen Iris with one of his students (the first known after his death by another student, the author was
So where are the teachers who fail on their own needs (and those of the Dharma) is not? Where is the living proof of the veracity of a Dharma (or more precisely, its moral teachings) is?
And here are some findings from a novel.
"The heads of those who call themselves monks, shaved bald, and shining always blue. Is it hot, they stretch over her bald head, sun umbrellas. Is it cold, the skull is wrapped in a hood. So why they shave their heads? Mock not any reason? "

"As a long time ago one was asked in those days famous Zen master, as one could go to for enlightenment, is said to have replied to this: 'Behave like a cat who goes off on a rat'. "

(Natsume Soseki:
I, the Cat
Insel Verlag, 1996;. the novel is told from the perspective of a cat)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Arch Of Foot Hurts When Ice Skating

I, the Pasha

Another Soen Nakagawa Roshi's Dharma-successor (next to the recently mentioned Eido Shimano) is the lesser known Kyudo Nakagawa I surfed in the recent research on this English site that contains an interview with him. The best places I want to translate. And on this occasion say, I realize that not all foreign-language readers, here you can read Linked Sites, to me it's missing is often the time to summarize them (which in the case of Shimano Archive considered in almost the cost of a dissertation). Kyudo Nakagawa Roshi Now: "Zen is a religion without a dualistic perspective."
"Only when one has the right perspective, is reading a book; . Drinking tea or talking about Zen to Zen "" If you're exempt from everything, then you are a Buddha "" From beginning to end. NO TARGET "
! ["What is the meaning of zazen"] - ". zazen is there to know the truth"
"Apart from me, everything is a teacher."
"The original is your daily koan life. "

Monday, February 21, 2011

Gay Pickup Spots Princeton Nj

sleeping, talking, laughing

Nanu asks the Buddhist been around, what does he mean? Have I made about not only the other day horny meditating on the Sesshin in XY?

Indeed, in sex, man forgets his most likely transitory. And perhaps we are actually sex the most beautiful, most intense concentrated sense of life. But who looks at the writings, not only will determine the basis of religious rules, such as jams are therefore essential parts of the Buddhist tradition. Given a short slot.

I originally had available some time this blog, with a little more room when they got the simple links in the left column. Gradually, I have deleted blogs, the topics I wander too far from the Dharma (even if they are dear to me) or, and this gives me grief, at some point no longer their ridiculously backward-dogmatic attitude could hide. Usually this happens when it comes to sexuality. So the blog of Bhante Dhammika a link has been "degraded" and now it is with "Dark Zen" so far, and that because he rejecting the rebirth hypothesis recently described as "hogwash" (nonsense) and so with nothing justification other than the reference to the Pali canon knew (although he is one of the smartest artists otherwise the essential Mahayana sutras and Zen). These two authors give significantly, for their part in a permanent link to other blogs. How come, if one takes profiled views. Aiko
thanks for the suggestions in your blog, and I now contribute to the fifth February 2010 ENTERED INTO place there later to leave a comment.
Digha Nikaya 16.5.4

"How can we, O Lord, the women behave with us?" Not seeing, Ananda. "
And when, Blessed One, seen, one should act like? respond »

" Not, Ananda. "
" If an appeal but, O Lord, how should we behave? "
" mindfulness, Ananda preserve. "
Buddha is the most stupid conversation with Ananda, what is put into his mouth. Any man who behaved itself so to a woman has - and comparatively sometimes quite the opposite - it will be able to sign it. You can not piss his body (and the related feelings). It does a man as well if he looks at a (beautiful) woman - happiness hormones. That's healthy. Looking away is so unhealthy. can also listen to the sound of a voice do well. And what the answer is "mindfulness practice" in the case of response by the woman concerned - could also pass this mindfulness is to recognize the needs of women and possibly engaging with it (even if they are sexual in nature). Such is the norm. This is why monks and Nonnensein, based on that bad old writers such as those of the Pali canon wants, even inhuman. And so once also the Zen monk was scolded, scorned in the his lonely hut, the young woman who sent him an old man past again and again. They do so but the obvious - and this is nowhere near in all cases: not see do not respond. Sometimes the attention is simply the carrying of a condom.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Get Shiny Pokemon Heart Gold

The sexfeindlichen Buddhists

before - and in contrast to our novices is the hot Vietnamese men were even times recorded in an authentic tradition. He stumbled on extramarital sex. Brad Warner aptly says: This stuff sheared me a little, but as he and his "Big Mind" sold the people alleged Zen wisdom for a lot of money. (You can just rake in the money Zen) is also clear, first comes the recognition and then the practice - and rightly suspected Warner, that there can now get even worse with the Merzel, for this mind-he will not give up Business (the bushels) - but who will give him well then Contra? If it were really about Zen, he would certainly have different priorities. The same flowers are of course with that Vietnamese, who in Frankfurt and the Odenwald does business - even if he entrobt, he will mortise nonsense, take your money for good and give the impression that had something to do with deep knowledge of Buddhism.
How long will it take until one finally assigns, by the sexual misconduct (in this case with him, "dependent" students) noticed, an example shows the biography of Eido Shimano , which is crossed by sex scandals. Late last year he came back because of the recent affair as abbot of the Zen Studies Society
. With 78 years of age. Some time ago another Roshi, Robert Aitken, his Shimano released Archive, which contains interesting correspondence including Shimano's master Soen Nakagawa Roshi, whom he constantly aware of Shimano's misconduct made. The following reassurances, Ignoranzien and culturally based misunderstandings can be easily transferred to current events in Germany. Of course you can also shed light on these things differently, and even from Shimano will remain a couple of benefits to which I shall return in more detail the opportunity that I recently had contact with his students.
(Photo: Genpo 1980, of "Hogen0014,

Streaming Brent Everett & Brent Corrigan

As he discards the robes ... or not ...

Where have I ever described my visit to Preah Vihear
? I hope it was not here in the blog. Currently it is around there again. Thai and Cambodian soldiers stand ready in the border region, the dead, there were already (even civilians), and all because of the temple once by the International Court in The Hague, the Cambodians was struck and for a few years, UNESCO world heritage site. Of course, even as the latter was not a done deal yet, took advantage of Thai "powers" from time to time the old controversy to distract the country from internal political problems. Once I even spoke at a Family Mart
(a kind of round-the-Clock Mini-open REWE) at the box office at a drunken Thai, as I could find for now would it (the television had spoken of the escalation of the conflict, after a few Thais, including a monk who had violated the border illegally and were in a sit) in the Khmer Preah Vihear on the collar, you know. Even then it was thick air, I had been shown recently in a restaurant the owners a couple of satellite imagery of the border region, which originated from the Internet, and sided with the Cambodians. The main reason, however, was quite different, for purely formal one can understand the complaints of the Thais. The reason lies in the incomparable greater poverty of the Khmer, whose life expectancy 15 years lower than that of the Thais. Basically, is nowhere to the world significant (drastic so than in the Barge advertising), can be roused to what unspeakable greed of this nation. I truly hope a show of force of the king, the only ones I consider to be capable and strong enough to make a grand gesture to all silenced. This gesture may exist in the batch and discharge of Preah Vihear, because there are no others that could trigger a stroke on a deeper sense of neighborly solidarity. Today, the Khmer in Thailand cheap labor, which are used in the construction of such buildings. Also from neighboring countries like Burma and Laos are many of the lower-paid workers (inside). In a Buddhist country like Thailand is it time to work out of gratitude for a Dana
national scale.

When they nor the Thai side after Preah Vihear was (from the Cambodian side of it is impassable and you have to pass a rule to begging soldiers who in the rise of their stock), we paid a fee for the cunning of the Thais on their side proclaimed National Park. Behind a barrier waiting at all Cambodian children, to keep the a shield over the head or offer them as private guides, etc. We had rented a pickup truck on which a couple of suitcases, especially with well-preserved clothing my late father and school materials were located. I asked the Thai border police officers if we could distribute the whole thing. They had the excellent idea, the children lined up to provide in order to ensure a fair distribution. But first I had to open the suitcases, and border police took out the two best pieces of clothing.

Back then you could still drive like jokes on the small photo , written in Preah Vihear. At that time there was still a plastic pistols.
(photos: cellars; more pictures of other photographers here

Friday, February 18, 2011

Chronotherm Iv Plus Wall Installation

The clumsy librarian who does

"He discovered numerous manuscripts and worked as a librarian jurisdiction in different places. But he was so brilliant in his work, so it was awkward in dealing with other people . He squandered it on a regular basis with professors, the nobility and even the women. Particularly in the latter he has long been extremely unlucky . The Gelnhäuser Tageblatt in the article " Poetic, political, popular - and also unfortunate " of Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben the obvious role model for so many librarians were fictional.

23dingenvoormusea: "Graf van Hoffmann von Fallersleben", recorded on 3 October 2009

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sweet N Low Ulcerative Colitis

earn less than 1500 € ...

Sometimes it has something good if you want to give away something, the gifted person but it has already and it simply maintains itself. So I came to the reading of Nicholas Glattauer " The committed teacher and his enemies " - the date column in I had family coming from a teacher, has been pursuing for so long. One of my favorite passages that somehow to the library system and the reaction of some non-library friends on my salary slip reminds

"How much do you actually earn, sir?"
"Believe me, Kevin, do not you want to know."
"Less than 1500 €, is not it?"
"How come you know ... uh ... Why do you come now 'less than 1500'?"
"My father says, who does earn less than 1500 € and work still does is a fool!"

gesprayter Schriftzug 'money making mello'
nevermindtheend ". Mello makin money at the Minneapolis Central Library", recorded on 16 August 2008, found on Flickr.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wojciech Szot Gliwice

Waiting for Godot, craftsman

remove dishwasher. Wash off. "Salzburg . Read messages "from start to finish checking all phone two minutes are increasingly angry All that can be done while waiting for the craftsman -.. Until one realizes that one has missed a week .. .

Photo, Kübel mit Rollen

Friday, February 11, 2011

Similares A Denise Milani

dips on Facebook?

A friend has warned me to write on Facebook, if I make a weekend trip, since burglars use the information you. Is that so? "I think the question now is not ironic, but quite serious. Your opinion interested me. From the "Facebook" or "Four-Square collapses" I have often read that is what, for example, in "Time" article " Even burglars check with Facebook "and the" standard "contribution" burglar victims spy on Facebook from .
Since my status messages are only partly related to read, would have meant that my friend or friends pass on to burglars, where I live, because that is not on Facebook, and that they know when I leave exactly and when I get back, whether anyone else at home, if I have alarm and guard dog etc. spy instead Facebook: Would not it be simpler to break during the week when most people are at work? What is certainly true in any case, is that you friend requests by unknown persons should not take more, but make what appear to many.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gay Cruising Nj Petro

The dispute over ruins

And: "Religion tends to authoritarianism as capitalism to monopoly. "So Julian Barnes in his autobiographical reflections on death, " nothing to fear would have what is called ". I come back to it. Bhante Dhammika in his - not a life faithfully carried out their own ideas, but directed to another to have
- working too hard (and to have neglected family),
- not to have expressed her feelings enough
- neglected friendships to have
- to have allowed themselves to be little real satisfaction.
The big surprise - and a self-deception - I did not recognize in these statements, but in Bhante Dhammikas introduction, where he stresses that have really any patient ("every one of them) are finally reconciled with death. This is contrary not only to my observations, but also those of many doctors. Julian Barnes quotes one of them in his book. Perhaps this blindness of Bhante of hospice care due or to emphasize their value. I am - in contrast to many socially engaged Buddhists - hospices quite critical of, as it has in danger of illusions and "cheap" to provide comfort. What Buddhists tell because there the dying? What they do with them?

the book from Barnes least illuminating various aspects of death and our anxiety before it cited last words and humorous philosophizing about the inevitable. The ego is only a construct of thought, free will is an illusion, it reflects the state of brain research. Without forgetting the reference to Aristotle, it provides a Zen-like, but quite rational knowledge: "The idea of a cerebral U-boat captain, all the events organized in the life of the people sovereign, must yield to the idea that we are nothing but a sequence of brain events . Are held together by certain causal connections (...) The 'I' that we love is really just a grammatical category

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Save Game Editor Port Royal 2

"The Egotheorie should be replaced by a bundle theory."

[Again, for legal reasons, slightly shortened and - because this process in the comment function is not possible - this set's contribution is two days old]
thanks for the aufklährungskampagne about" son thich thien "I hope they spread the Vietnamese truly under.. German and fast.
I have used them for some information about thich nhu old abbot of the pagoda-vien giac in hannover :
1 flies) tnd ausschlieslich first while other monks eg Class 17 std have to take the bus,
2) Buddhist books by him wrong
translated 3) harassment of educated monks and nuns
4) also tnd must daily massage , do not get if he fails to have it the next morning like other from
5) luxury room with massage chair, television, luxury bath while all the other monks u nuns to share a bath
to 6) donate it to-spent money to fake
[ ... to buy from rechtl. reasons shortened]

7) by Vietnamese rushed and exclusion against North

these things can be confirmed by other "

Notter School Of Pastry Arts Blog

tours of the exhibition "The measurement of Vienna"

The exhibition "The measurement of Vienna " in touch with the personality of Adolph Lehmann, who in 1859 the project of "general housing ads" in conjunction with the Police Department. It provides the address book as an exciting source of research at the center and tells the story of prominent residents of the city, from the reflection of important historical city changes, such as numbering of houses and streets (to) designate, deserted by thousands of industries and today occupations of forced advertising campaigns and innovative Marketing strategies of spreading of the telephone and the development of the public sector. On 17

and 21 February, each of 17 clock out, Curator Dr. Nina in left by the issue and established following the research for those interested in the digitized Vienna address books (" Lehmann online ") before.

Photo vin Adressbuch mit Eintrag zu Egon Schiele Photo von Büchern

Monday, February 7, 2011

Convert Mms Streaming

searched books for youth club

The youth club 2getthere in Mattersburg looking for in-house library books on:

  • psychology and sociology and lifestyles
  • poverty
  • Sustainable Society & Economics
  • organic food and healthy eating have
  • Should your books about these issues and no longer need or want to donate new items - please drop off there, or give to me, I do not live so so far away!

    Regal mit Büchern in der Bibliothek des Mattersburger Jugendvereins 2getthere
    book collection of the club, a photo of the site

    Sunday, February 6, 2011

    Fan Of The Centurymenards

    And Thich Nhu Dien a comment to ...

    found U.S. dollars in cash, ostensibly for the purchase of land for future construction of a monastery. The Indian Authorities officially expressed the suspicion that the former also confirmed by China as Karmapa Twen would work as an agent of the Chinese. That there are good reasons to by a succession of beautiful Hong Kong stars Anita Mui beneficiary and even richer other Karmapa, Trinley Thaye Dorje (photo) to hold for a Chinese fidelity, "Tenpa Rinpoche" unraveled pointedly in his
    English Blog . Speaking Rinpoche - I found
    here still that: "After his death is under any Karmapa in the pure land and then by maintaining its objectives, he returns to this world." Aha. It is hard enough for a dying man, his urine (it), usually where a dead man yet but that its "objectives" rumschleppt with it is more shock loads, as it deserves some Buddhist.

    Saturday, February 5, 2011 Whats Wrong

    This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

    Friday, February 4, 2011

    Parts To Make Coyote Snare

    Thich Thien Son of DBO excluded

    (This post was being written as a comment to the blog entry "Canisius and Phat Hue from 12.02.2010. He is, instead, slightly abridged, for legal reasons, set here. A change in the comment form is not possible .)
    "It is interesting to read that my assessment against the abbot Thich Thien Son and his family band to become reality. The Abbot I know as a young child. I'm just as it arrived as boat people back then to Germany. When I first met him, he was not even a monk. I was one of the many little children in his family and went out.
    Since I'm female, I have the sex abuse do not have to experience yourself. But my brother, who had then made suggestions, but out of shame would not go into detail. I know his family well, so that I can say that homosexuality is taboo as a topic in this family was. Many male relatives of his are gay or bi. There are no allegations, but facts, because I know the persons concerned and they are my relatives part. I would therefore not go into detail and give my identity, to protect others. But one thing I do after all such a long time say that the family of the Abbot not 'clean' with donations deal is, especially his Leibl. Mother, who had exploited their position at that time to people to manipulate and bully until then. A devout nun, she is not and never will be, as it the faith of the budd. Aussnutzt people to enrich themselves and their family members. That was already so many, it only detected too late and silent now, because she was too angry to be so deceived. At that time the family had money donations already (..., reduced for legal reasons). eg a smart car for the oldest son, of course, with his salary as a nurse could not afford it. Unlike Thich Thien Son he is heterosexual. And since I female. am, I was 'well' then the only way by being tickled for fun. But it was very unpleasant, as some parts of the body for him to be off limits as a married man should. Angebl were also in this family. just eat vegetarian. Nevertheless, the mother as a kitchen helper in a home regular sausage with home gebracht.Für the animals. They had no pets. Probably for the neighbor's cat / dog. I do not know how long these people are 'exempt' the devout Buddhists and even abuse their positions. There are still so many people for happiness / contents / stop striving. I must say I am glad I have nothing to do with this family. Who today should be free of it. "

    Thank You Condolence Wording

    News from Thich Thien Son

    These days, someone reminded me of a conversation about my former experience as todesnah perceived. I regretted that the resulting trend-setting or-changing power that brought my life into another car, had been worn down a bit. I think they can eat is not permanently out of key experiences, but should ultimately be anchored in what does not allow anchor - the emptiness or the meditative experience, as recently already spelled "deathless". Or "dying ones. It comes with no hope. Even if I, as long as I breathe, like say a woman: I've been looking many lives. This kind of illusion refers only to the moment of love. However, I would like to stay
    my own thesis with skepticism. I have been following the blog of a diagnosed glioblastoma author, Mr. Wolfgang village. In his illness, a type of brain tumor exist, little chance of survival for several years. Now that it fades the hope, wrote Mr village, passing away the fear of dying, yes, he longed for death. A life without hope, it seems, is hard to bear. In this case, torture Herrndorf not even with the usual question: Why me?
    How is it then possible that we have no hope in the here and now at?
    [Copyright Poster: Warner Bros.]

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    St. Louis Creamy Italian Dressing Recipe

    Hereafter - Life after

    After several months of stay Thailand, I wondered how it is to go with the blog here on. Last year I had the desire to address not only various Buddhist topics and the misguided criticism of monks - accelerate, but also a few snippets - especially the Vietnamese Buddhism and translations to be made available. That was enough for a contribution per day. With this regularity, I can not go this year. Instead, I would like to meditate more on the basis of Buddhist concepts of life and for use initially and observations from my trip. In between there will be entries in the manner of last year, and of course, remains critical to the Buddhist scene in mind. At the moment I translate Dogen
    Eihei Koroku can and occasionally quote from it. A book by Ludger Tenryu Tenbreul
    is about to be published in my small publishing house.
    What particularly irritated me in Thailand, was a strange mass movement. It is called "Dhammakaya" and runs a Buddhist TV station called DMC, continuous speech in which a bespectacled monk in the style thinks of Baptists - Rates from the Pali canon to be taken literally, letters from Thais ever answered as to them for misconduct various Hell threatens. These are then shown pictorially. This is unspeakably stupid and primitive Buddhism, which suggests a contrary sometimes even in everyday conversations. I'm still not understanding this, and am enjoying the colorful diversity of Buddhism, when people get ripped off by that name. Each day runs DMC on a cartoon to a pop song in the style of Isan, with English subtitles, which sings a (subscribed) girls of what it is like at the bars foreigners fishes and wants to make a snap. The song is actually designed to be channel surfing with the coming long in an advertisement for horizontal business feels like to sing along to, so catchy this is just hard to open up this irony, but also include barmaids with providers of monks. I met a lady who was banned after a minor motorcycle accident and a violent quarrel in her family (her brother her to enter his house because she was working at the bar, even though he his wife, so her sister, met at the bar) had it said to only have bad luck and therefore to the following morning once in the temple need to "tambun" to make, so donations to be there. I told her she could give donations to me, it would certainly go back uphill with her ...

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    market and product in the library

    About the Job claw I'm in the "standard" under the category "Business Intelligence / Data Management" an amusing library vacancy found. The task the management of AK libraries in Villach and Klagenfurt sounds really appealing, does not want to deny that. I schmunzle only through the Consulting Office in this text:
  • "The development of strategies and plans, which may also break with the old familiar ways of thinking" - yes, yes.
  • "Their special knowledge of databases, interface definition and computer networks are essential in order to connect the future even more modern in appearance." Clearly beneficial, but to me it sounds with the interface definition rather as if they are looking for a Programmierin.
  • And my favorite: "You will be responsible for the organization of events, 'market' and 'product' in appealing to the framework can get in touch!" Prust.
  • Photo eines Marktstandes mit einem Schild 'we love librarians'

    Michael Stephens: "Wider shot of Pike Place Market PLA 2004, launched on 27 February 2004 in Seattle, CC-licensed

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    Wien Library on Facebook

    provides information about collections, inventories, photographs and events of the Vienna City Library, it has now also on Facebook. We appreciate your virtual visit to , and I am glad that I shared with two Members may attend the other side! The page can of course be visited without a Facebook account.

    How To Build A Small Quaterpipe

    spam poetry

    "My name is peace I saw your e-mail address and interests to contact you, and also like to know more about you, please contact me true my email address from there I'll give you my pictures OK need your loving concern. acclaim.

    Photo von Dosenfleisch von Mike Lowe
    mike lowe "SPAM (Hot & Spicy)", recorded on 26 January 2005

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    fussy Political Plunder

    Alexander Purger in the Salzburger Nachrichten our young politicians with a TV Talk: "The next best minds in the nation were all under 30, but talking trash like a fussy 70-year-old deputy governor therefore".

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    Naughty America Mediafire

    is back from Thailand Maha Bua

    died two days ago in Thailand as a respected monk Maha Bua Arahant. He was almost 100 years old and is considered one of the most outstanding Thai monks from the forest tradition. Some years ago he was known for his harsh criticism of former Premier Thaksin that led to these proceedings against a newspaper in which Maha Bua speeches was published. When the king intervened, was the application withdrawn - which had never been due to a certain sanctity of monks against Maha Bua himself. In the video below, you can be convinced by his jovial, humorous, direct and critical way, but sometimes may shine through a little arrogance (see part 2 on youtube). At the new Bangkok airport, the last but not least Thaksin's initiative was taken on, but again I got no Bangkok Post, however, a masseuse was not the only one that Thaksin praised for having improved the medical care in accidents at times. However, monks, who get involved in politics go, of course, on black ice. What amazes me is how utterly banal arguments of the greed the powerful who could probably give any simple second of my neighbors to get out of the mouth of a forest monk suddenly so important. Much more important, and I guess it is his understanding of the Dhamma. A key message Maha Bua, a student

    Tuesday, February 1, 2011

    What Do You Need To Register A Trailer In Ontario

    Luangta dead

    direct to the point
    Kegon champion said: "I do not want you to hold something back. If their true followers of Rinzai, Tokusan, Kotei, Daigu, Choka and Sensu are, then you do not have to talk around the bush. You should come straight to the point, and I'm Kegon, for the proof. "Shukaku champion stepped forward and bowed. Then he sat up and shouted: "Katsu" Kegon called back. Shukaku cried again, and Kegon did the same. Shukaku then bowed, straightened up and said, "Let us all consider the error of this man," He called again and went back into the crowd, and he clapped his hands.
    Kegon went in his room. At that time, was a master Fuketsu responsible for reading the sutras. He asked Kegon what had happened on the day Sun Kegon replied: "The people of Setsu have no manners. Today I was thoroughly humiliated by Shukaku. . Let me summon my trailer now, so they give him a beating and chase him away "Fuketsu said:" It is too late. Moreover, Reverend things have formulated strict. You have even asked him to come straight to the point. Since he is a supporter of the Rinzai, he acted accordingly. "
    Only then sounded Kegon from anger. Fuketsu went to Shukaku to talk to him about this matter. He said: "Why have you placate this old man? He should have beat me with his stick, before I said anything. Then my words would have spread. Since he has not beaten me, my words will not go far "Fuketsu said:". What you just said has already penetrated into the distance "
    master Kidô

    Fuketsu should say, "Brother Shukaku, after which Juice
    you look at the balance beam? "

    master Hakuin

    Clever, clever.

    Operation Repo: The Movie 2009

    library collection of the day we

    Zandomeni, Josef (ed.): Guide to Vienna by night, called the "Do not turn Calendar". 7. Out (Carnival-issue). Vienna: J. Zandomeni, 1928 (signature A 130 306)

    The leader of Vienna's nightlife kicks off with a gentle threat: "You are an enemy of your business if you do not your business in the thrice yearly leader Switch through Vienna at night can. " The brochure lists "places of amusement and restaurants, in which everyone refers to and highly praised Old Viennese style with bourgeois prices and most attentive service cheerfulness and serenity. "And these services include" daily double concert at a bargain price, "" well-heated Sa , le "," Champres spaces "(not a typo by me)," Spock english "(...)," a local cheerful mood, "" Piano use "," daily evening widow "," in concert room Daily Champion Zieger, "" mood Pianist, "" from 1 clock early fresh stew "," public dance ".
    In Ball calendar features the dance events the Wiener homeowner sons and daughters, "the" street workers main workshop, "the" Bregenzer old building ", the" high-flying pigeon friends, "the" carpenter sons-club "and the" funeral cost contribution fund of the German Masters ". A highlight of the carnival season was certainly the "Alpine Club of Vienna Fleischselchersöhne wreath.
    also includes the tape a meter-billing table, and a train timetable.

    Melina, Nadine And Bette

    san jo's gwohnte

    Nice user after several hours of fiddling with very bulky Vienna plans: "As you Mochen of? The Tog gaunzen read? And in the bright light! I can, you gwohnte san jo's. I les jo a lot, but the ma warat ZVUE. And a no daunn some gaze always in the Compjuta ;-)

    Photo 'Big lamp on desk', Bowman Library

    bowman library: "big lamp on desk, recorded on 7 September 2006