Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Arch Of Foot Hurts When Ice Skating

I, the Pasha

Another Soen Nakagawa Roshi's Dharma-successor (next to the recently mentioned Eido Shimano) is the lesser known Kyudo Nakagawa I surfed in the recent research on this English site that contains an interview with him. The best places I want to translate. And on this occasion say, I realize that not all foreign-language readers, here you can read Linked Sites, to me it's missing is often the time to summarize them (which in the case of Shimano Archive considered in almost the cost of a dissertation). Kyudo Nakagawa Roshi Now: "Zen is a religion without a dualistic perspective."
"Only when one has the right perspective, is reading a book; . Drinking tea or talking about Zen to Zen "" If you're exempt from everything, then you are a Buddha "" From beginning to end. NO TARGET "
! ["What is the meaning of zazen"] - ". zazen is there to know the truth"
"Apart from me, everything is a teacher."
"The original is your daily koan life. "


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