Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fan Of The Centurymenards

And Thich Nhu Dien a comment to ...

found U.S. dollars in cash, ostensibly for the purchase of land for future construction of a monastery. The Indian Authorities officially expressed the suspicion that the former also confirmed by China as Karmapa Twen would work as an agent of the Chinese. That there are good reasons to by a succession of beautiful Hong Kong stars Anita Mui beneficiary and even richer other Karmapa, Trinley Thaye Dorje (photo) to hold for a Chinese fidelity, "Tenpa Rinpoche" unraveled pointedly in his
English Blog . Speaking Rinpoche - I found
here still that: "After his death is under any Karmapa in the pure land and then by maintaining its objectives, he returns to this world." Aha. It is hard enough for a dying man, his urine (it), usually where a dead man yet but that its "objectives" rumschleppt with it is more shock loads, as it deserves some Buddhist.


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