Friday, February 4, 2011

Parts To Make Coyote Snare

Thich Thien Son of DBO excluded

(This post was being written as a comment to the blog entry "Canisius and Phat Hue from 12.02.2010. He is, instead, slightly abridged, for legal reasons, set here. A change in the comment form is not possible .)
"It is interesting to read that my assessment against the abbot Thich Thien Son and his family band to become reality. The Abbot I know as a young child. I'm just as it arrived as boat people back then to Germany. When I first met him, he was not even a monk. I was one of the many little children in his family and went out.
Since I'm female, I have the sex abuse do not have to experience yourself. But my brother, who had then made suggestions, but out of shame would not go into detail. I know his family well, so that I can say that homosexuality is taboo as a topic in this family was. Many male relatives of his are gay or bi. There are no allegations, but facts, because I know the persons concerned and they are my relatives part. I would therefore not go into detail and give my identity, to protect others. But one thing I do after all such a long time say that the family of the Abbot not 'clean' with donations deal is, especially his Leibl. Mother, who had exploited their position at that time to people to manipulate and bully until then. A devout nun, she is not and never will be, as it the faith of the budd. Aussnutzt people to enrich themselves and their family members. That was already so many, it only detected too late and silent now, because she was too angry to be so deceived. At that time the family had money donations already (..., reduced for legal reasons). eg a smart car for the oldest son, of course, with his salary as a nurse could not afford it. Unlike Thich Thien Son he is heterosexual. And since I female. am, I was 'well' then the only way by being tickled for fun. But it was very unpleasant, as some parts of the body for him to be off limits as a married man should. Angebl were also in this family. just eat vegetarian. Nevertheless, the mother as a kitchen helper in a home regular sausage with home gebracht.Für the animals. They had no pets. Probably for the neighbor's cat / dog. I do not know how long these people are 'exempt' the devout Buddhists and even abuse their positions. There are still so many people for happiness / contents / stop striving. I must say I am glad I have nothing to do with this family. Who today should be free of it. "


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