Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ban From Coach Stores

;-) What do aliens from our culture?

Yesterday I had to one of the documentary film festival Knut Karger " What will remain" (camera: Diana Weilepp ) seen If humanity becomes extinct at some point and discover extraterrestrials to our planet, what would you find them. and (how) they could indicate that? "Karger said, for example, an employee of the International Time Capsule Society , one of several one thousand years scale time capsule store and provide useful tips on its website, if you want to build themselves a time. Interestingly, the crops whose seeds in a gene bank were stored, some placed in liquid nitrogen and reused at any time. They would without the assistance of people from their primitive relatives of robust growth. Even the Bavarian Central State Archives with his files and microfilms and Barbarastollen were subject. Of course, even on the Voyager - and Pioneer reported probes, which, if everything goes well, our solar system leave.
It was mentioned that the aliens would get no insight into our everyday culture. That probably applies to the state archives, but what about the collected posters, photos, blogs and tweets? I think, because you can already read a lot about our everyday lives.

Voyager Uranus, Photo einer Sonde im Orbit des Uranus
Bruce "flying singer" Irving: "Voyager Uranus", 27 December 2005, CC-BY license

An interesting aspect was that these aliens have the opportunity not only would our writing, pictures, videos, etc. to perceive and identify as such, but that they ΓΌ at all something like "past" in their Culture of curiosity and the corresponding need to have it.


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