Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Poptropica Credits Edit

Like the Zen in China, lives

In blog comment a former student of Dainin Katagiri
(once including right-hand Suzuki Roshi) I found the following note values set in response to rumors of an affair catagen Iris with one of his students (the first known after his death by another student, the author was
So where are the teachers who fail on their own needs (and those of the Dharma) is not? Where is the living proof of the veracity of a Dharma (or more precisely, its moral teachings) is?
And here are some findings from a novel.
"The heads of those who call themselves monks, shaved bald, and shining always blue. Is it hot, they stretch over her bald head, sun umbrellas. Is it cold, the skull is wrapped in a hood. So why they shave their heads? Mock not any reason? "

"As a long time ago one was asked in those days famous Zen master, as one could go to for enlightenment, is said to have replied to this: 'Behave like a cat who goes off on a rat'. "

(Natsume Soseki:
I, the Cat
Insel Verlag, 1996;. the novel is told from the perspective of a cat)


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