Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tiffany Towers Las Vegas

proposes life hook .. Yes

.. like now?

Now I was so excited .. because the court date today Now comes the flat!

* * baffbin

lawyer for the other side ill .. the case will now be decided without our statements .. all the fuss for nothing!

.. something. * * VerblüfftKopfschüttel have

Financial Accounting,libby 6th Edition

's this?

Yesterday I my current book and over again December: The West, the Stasi, the uncle and I somewhere lying down - and just never found again!
.. yet I still remember exactly how I saw it lying on the desk - under NEM pile of leaves - and thought: "Oh, I find that again .. the hintun I have somewhere else ..."

.. I've made - but where?? * * AmKopfkratz

So at the point where I said to find it again is not, it never - and I thought it to be found there never again, but I would if it would still be there ... for it is up to a point where I think it's never REALLY! * Aargh *

My apartment is a book-Bermuda Triangle!

.. another book, I would like to send, I am also looking for three intensive days .. * grumble * and unsuccessful

Well - is not so much that I suffer from lack of reading material * cough *

.. I've now just a next book chosen and started (which I find not particularly difficult, because honestly, Again and again in December is pretty tough .. The positive reviews I've read so far in Amazon, and so can I confirm yet not completely - but in which also mentioned that from the middle of the book really starts .. so I hold on too when I see the whole. Writing style ( "The sister and me on the back seat. The mother again. The father with the case on the Trottwar." .. * NERV *) establishes in part the hackles * shake *).

And my new reading material The world is not always on Friday is - frankly - to compensate extremely funny and very very entertaining!
.. and also very thin * grin *

Small Sample complacent?

matter compression
Eight Clock in the morning. Telephone and alarm clock will ring simultaneously. Since we know not what they first ignore should. Calm the clock with a specific shock and elation. It is Peter.
- Horst Hello, may I invite you to breakfast?
- Really? Sure! When?
- At about ten. And, um, I have nothing in the house, can you bring anything, please, until then, ciao.
I like Peters morning calls are not, are not a good start. This must be another way to make. A call, which I would be happy in the morning would be, for example:
"Mr. Evers, a matter is due to compression by the shrinking universe back together it came to gravitational variations in our solar system, whereby the Earth's rotation has shifted somewhat. To compensate, we have reset all the clocks around the world for two hours straight and inform the entire world population of them by phone. It is for you, so only six clock, you can sleep another two hours "
The world is not always on Friday - Horst Evers)


a book is to start the day well: o)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kathy Van Zeeland Catwalk Leopard Print

light on the horizon


Maybe I'm not as dumb as I am sometimes likes. .

.. but now I feel reasonably well prepared for tomorrow's court date. * * Tiefdurchatme

What me because even happen?

.. I have definitely made a mistake and the distinguished from only the last 4 years. The colleagues are seeing it all very relaxed and assess the matter as clear. Even IF I HAD made the alleged promise (which I have not!), They would not have been illegal and unenforceable under no circumstances, I make this promise simply can not.

It's not my fault that the applicant thinks they have to sue for one thing, which unfortunately was never there - and by now not only incurred anyway has to bear costs, but also the legal costs to do so.

I gave him often enough and long, broad, detailed and patiently explains how the situation and would really love to have him escape the costs of court.

In principle I would prefer it be happy that I can do even how such a process takes place - like a secure position as I do.
.. I just change the perspective and to think instead "Oh dear - Bibb, Bibb, all want to make myself ready, I can not, I am nothing, I poor bastard, but what the world is bad and unjust!" I will look interesting to see what the morrow of new experiences brings to me.
.. and alittle bit more excited when you go to court is legitimate; o)

And: What should I wear? * * Aufgeregtkicher

Best Brazilian Toronto

counterproductive ..

.. Since I organize my mail box, never did I look through.

was actually the thought of a relief - not as an additional problem * sigh *

Monday, September 21, 2009

Nadine Jansen Chrissi Pregnant

anticipation * *

  • holiday - brought
  • ticket - bought
  • room - booked

.. yay! * Hüpf *

I'm looking forward to my holidays * bright *

grade book at the room I'm delighted with the dialect of the human being glad Hotel .. or the lack of Dialect? .. I know .. in any case:

juhuuu .. West Germany, I'm coming! * * Hüpfhüpf

.. and I especially look forward to the visits to various people cheering * * .. all been soooo long never seen, or in some cases not so live and in 3D - ah ne determines is nice week!

Schnüggel And everything is so new - there was not still up there so far north, let 's see how he reacts to lowland * grin * Then I must prepare

only my apartment and my bags of course ... yes, is also provided for a mouse Sitter * bright *
.. as determined in all quite cool.

And look me what ihc so for books to take away * grin grin grin *

Through my own dimwitted I'm nervous now take 3.5 hour train ride one of nearly 6 hours - for it .. I'll pay 20 € more * grumble *
own fault! If I had even booked the same last week, as came out for the lower rate with ICE ride yet!
.. but Mrs Barbarella is yes again, the decision rivets.

Okay, I have to stop n go little earlier - but I can then read some more * * Pfeiff

Reset Computer Tire Pressure Suburban

short hop sane ..

Thank God I have vacation starting Friday ...

But first .. before that I'm lucky if I have the time to live.

I have such a fear of hell before Wednesday because I have since before's court. As experts. * CRY *
.. But what if ask me things that I can not answer??


I realize how everything in me resists, and I've ne animal fear .. and as I've slowly been NEN hot head off, and to cough .. I'm going to buy but probably not ne escape disease?
.. that would be the total horror.

Then we would go to the colleague and the looks certainly not in my records by - although intended as an expert would be much better and more confidently. And it's not drum and that the colleague is not technically looks (on the contrary, it is ne luminary, I have great respect for him), but my documents and my order simply are total sh *.

So I can not get sick. I have since by!

.. Also I leave on Friday and there sooo many things before, which I'm very happy.

... but only this court date on Wednesday were not! * * VorPanikheulenkönnte

They want to break me determine apart and get ready ...

.. oh man - I hate my job.

And the joke of the matter is still that I can now make two more days until I mad a total Nerve bundles am - until yesterday I've pushed it so possible, but now I have to deal finally with the documents and can never dodge in front of the thing ... Shaking, biting * * * * * teeth rattle denblankenHorrorhab *

Friday, September 18, 2009

Walk-in Clinic Birth Control Prescription

Am I really only the ass!

.. So sometimes I feel real to be just the ass. * Flare * NIX

like theater with the theater .. real-ey!

... now I'm for "advertising" jurisdiction.

Well, fine.

Since we have also previously been connected to one or other ad, I'll ask the veteran experience to our customers and things like numbers and stuff.
... Customer Number and so it goes still. But to appear only when our ads in the newspapers, is indeed now a bigger drama, which represented a total of three people in each others opinions - and imemr when I came with a person on a green branch, speak again two change each other and the opinion and croak me with what new full.

Soon I kill all! * Grrr *

But now, well - I'm blessed with some patience and above all a love of humanity.

.. so I'll explore in more detail and then do again today.

to advertising also means that we are present on the Internet - not only on our own (highly embarrassing because bungling) side, but just in different calendars.

times yesterday so I peep through in the area: is in there somewhere in any what.

What exactly DOES this website man?
(except screaming create ugly pages) * worse *

Well durchatme * *

.. So I send to all possible sides that come to mind, our data out - newspapers, or event, theater umbrella organization ... of course I will inform the Internet people what I do - after all, important cooperation.

And all of my mail address - which I hate. I think we should at a theater mail Address have. Just looks better.
... but oh well - eh, I'm a junkie-mail addresses and have too many.

ANYWAY! * * Knurr

... well ... care. * * Durchatme

By the way, I find mention us in all possible sides still with our old name. We have for more than NEM never YEAR.
... what does this website actually human?

So in any case not even n little after see what he is! * * Worse

So I read in the mail still in, where I have changed us and where he please still be looking for it.
.. Finally, should I just keep everything on track - and does not want anything really Everything ourselves. * Grr *

Well - and today?

Today I write like this back a Zeitungsfuzzi.

"They would help us to work really, if you are one, two
weeks before the next date to send us the current program."

.. Hello! .. I think the wheel has n from the guy!

think of, I create n new program every week, or what?
Why he saves the pdf do not simply somewhere where he can the next six months out of each copy the current date?
or: What kind of a super stupid system for entering the events for you, if you only scheduled one week in advance can enter?? * Snarl *

Should I send them every week now the pdf with our game plan, or what?
.. I think probably not!

ludicrous! * Snort *

.. boah nee - I will want to look like nothing more!


Why can actually think of no one else to twelve noon, and sometimes just make something or draw on it or have an idea?

There is "there are too few visitors come to the theater" .. but all the opportunities I've developed five years ago, I must gather together all again ... simply because many of the poor were cut off when I heard the home page has snatched from behind.

.. But now it's all better! * Snort *

already clear! * * RauchvorWut

.. all ignorant! * * * Hiss * zumabkühlenFlascheSprudelübersichkipp

Thursday, September 17, 2009

How To Make Your Sim Masterbate

* * gröööhl

How cool is that?!

you just want to have your peace? .. here you are right:

With the possibility:
no users to create groups, invite
no friends and create a profile.

.. and delete various other profiles * grin * But
: Schaade, profiles on StudiVZ, who-knows-who, facebook and throw-me-remove dead, comes to me soooo out of the question.
.. I have no fact.

The only profile that I had was at - and there I've deleted the profile before yesterday because I was always almost never there in the last 3 years.
.. not that the Lokalisten are bad, no, no .. It is not because of you - it's up to me!
.. I just do not want the stress.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Taking Klonopin Past Experiation Date

Now I'm again surprised ..

The Kinsella I, nevertheless, actually within two days, "wiped away"!
.. had to read really funny and nice. And thank God without the nuisance Becky ... I've since also s book, but I might be somehow overcome nciht because I'm afraid my eyes roll out of their sockets from the continued roles of the dumb-unteachable Becky.

And now reflects what serious:

... We'll see what I learn as new - after all, I've had two books read this year, hit in the same line ( to later so sustainable we Germans and Almost Naked: My adventurous attempt to live ethically ? ) ... but details can be seen in the direction never have too much: o)

Red Eye Tetra And Cardinal Tetra

Weil's degree as well and easily fits true ..

women ..

.. 3 years:
She looks in the mirror and sees a Queen.

.. 8:
She looks at herself and sees Cinderella.

.. 15:
She looks at herself and sees the ugly stepsister of Cinderella: "Mother, I can not possibly go to school!"

.. 20:
She looks at herself and sees "too fat, too thin, too small, too large, the hair is too curly / too smooth," but she goes out anyway.

.. 30:
She looks at herself and sees "too fat, too thin, too small, too large, the hair is too curly / too smooth," but she finds that she had no time to take care of it and she goes out anyway.

.. 40:
She looks at herself and sees "too fat, too thin, too small, too large, the hair is too curly / too smooth," but she says she is at least 'clean' and you will be still .

.. 50:
She looks at herself and finds: "I am" go and everywhere, where they will go.

.. 60:
you look at yourself and remember all the people who can not look in the mirror. She goes out into the world and conquered it.

.. 70:
She looks at herself and sees wisdom, laughter and ability, she goes out and enjoys life.

.. 80:
She cares not about to look in the mirror. It consists simply of a purple hat and that goes out to amuse themselves with the world.

How about if we women simply long before our purple hat ? Place

.. I find grad very attractive: o)

Animated, has set this wonderful philosophy here me an article about thick and thin women with Indigoidian to my attention Lady Vanilla has ..

Sundiro Scooter Air Filter

off final, enough!

.. now I'm long enough in this rumgekaut Vastuveda book !

I'll never complete until I've fought through the different areas!
.. and when I'm done and have it shipped, I never know what's in it and can never look up! * * Hair Rauf

.. this is definitely a book to look up yourself and buy - Remember that is surely no one else. And the whole thing a little deeper exploration requires the total matter.

So it made sense to have the book as a traveling book to see that it's for me .. but now the book is traveling to the next (because I really have no more nerves for the exact composition of the remaining 3 areas!) and I've even ordered one ..

So I'm now a hiking book out of the house (Hurray!) .. and am at once elated rush on something lighter reading: Have we not? by Sophie Kinsella
.. and suddenly the runs with reading again: o)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Red Cable And White Cable In Audio Jack

Imagine you want to demo ..

.. and can not find the!

So we went.

Very, very strange feeling when you think should be there but which one - and nowhere is that somewhere.

.. and even more stupid, then to go back empty-handed: o (

Novelty Ids On Yonge Street By Zanzibar

me into the demo?

.. the degree of colleague asked me how I

.. .. .. What

Against what .. against nuclear power.?? ?

clear: o)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Combinations Games With 2 Teams

* * cry

I go gaga .. I go gaga TOTAL!

.. I forget what I did ten minutes ago.

or (better put): I do not know of many things that I REALLY've been doing now or was planning to just make it - even though the ten minutes before.

.. terrible! * * Hair Rauf

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Putting Nail Polish On Warts

Pretty bold!

seems for every person to give it emotive words - words that can be from the party immediately and permanently increase the blood pressure.

For me it is an emotive word "brazen."

not know why and it must be based not on me, luckily no one has told me I was bold .. I would probably totally freaked out!

It is enough if one introduces the sentence with: "May I ask you very boldly, ob .." and I can instantly NEN screaming fit get and the one going to the neck.

The word belongs to me so of course, the passive vocabulary. I would never use (or almost never, because at the moment I use's yes). Logical. Then she got me so has a devastating effect, I will guarantee my environment not bother with it! For me, the word ne real imposition.

.. although I slowly got the suspicion that perhaps this is also a regional "problem" - because I hear the word (THANK GOD!) scarcity and read it more times - is probably better for the word thrower, in writing, I can him not strangle * grin * Where

me the question is:
Whether there is probably more "brazen" areas in Germany,
is where that word not totally commonplace?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Cruising Gays Columbus Ga

misdirected .. really great: o)

Just now I come home and've got a message on my AB:

"Hello Barbarella - I'm still in with Anita and Carol Stern, come even if you're interested Best wishes, * incomprehensible Name *. "

... higher?

So not even Anita Carol I n term - and where this should be a star: No idea. And the name I do not understand and find the number I never in my phone.

It really is determined n mistake, if one sends a SMS to a landline number, right?

.. So I brave a text message to the sent me cell phone number written in which I said did that I had ne message on my AB, but unfortunately can not do anything with Anita, Carol, and star and me, the name was unintelligible, and hang the question on who had written to me for there ..

And shortly afterwards the phone rings - a uuuuuuralte classmate calls and tells me, laughing, that she had been wondering why answer "their" Barbarella not and wondered whether the zickt for now or what ..

* giggle *

Anyway, we had a good three-quarters of an hour s funny and nice conversation - those missing lines may still often give: o)

.. also fit great, because I always had good time. (! HIRSCH) Schnüggel is in fact only her tomorrow because he has (! HIRSCH) forget this evening to collect his car from the garage * *

gnnnnnnarf But now, well * sigh * - I use stop time for me ... and in principle I am grateful that he goes and do not drive I have .. So, what the heck - there are worse things in life. * Smile *

How To Trade Pokemon On Pokemon Silver On Vba

I am willing to learn! O)

degree I had NEN call:

Hidden Caller: "Good day - I speak with Mrs. Barbarella?"

Me: "Yes .." * grumpy *

Hidden Caller: "My name is * censored by the Central Termination million chance, I call for ..." * clack *

.. I hung up.

Without adoption.

am so unkind I do not really normal.

But I think I have in recent years been discussed enough already to far too much with any of these types who want to terminate me things that I never finished ...

I learn and have no desire to let me steal from those types of life-time ..

.. and if I have "Event Center" and "million chance" Listen, I know:
This is only guaranteed stolen time.

Why Are You More Fertile After A Miscarriage?

Vastuveda is really exciting!

Still I read the book with Vastuveda tidy .

Similar to Feng Shui, the house / apartment divided into 9 squares and all the direction-oriented (okay, here, is Feng Shui so is at odds .. because those who host the always at the front door and, that after the direction .. but only on the outside). And each compass direction (surprise, surprise) has its meaning. And depending on where should lie with the personal problems to optimize the appropriate area.

this out ne cool thing.

... of course I feel every time read so far affected area a bit. It's here but that really an area to activate first best - and what I find most hotly:

I've read so far four areas - and to each I almost immediately occurred to anyone that would strengthen this area of exactly the problems described has - and included the physical discomfort! has

  • The North-East I jumped immediately - and is also my theme .. including thyroid problems, by the way ..

  • In the East, I knew immediately that I should even look at Mom, how this area looks like - totally fit the questions to her and of course, are "heart problems without physically investigating the cause "here is the rub.

  • The South East, I had a short time my friend in mind ... and really struggling for years with her sinus and allergies she also has plenty.

  • In the south
  • appeared spontaneously the image of another friend .. and I promptly les that these are again back in pain * grin * what a typical addition to stomach problems, symptoms that characterize the south ..

... so I peep me now times her for a compass .. and am curious if I come in the other directions, because even if I will again be skipped by people around me really.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pain In Back Hip Knees At 25?

green, green, green all my boxes ..


she stood really, the green box and even in front of my apartment door, not only by the front door .. how noble beeindrucktbin * * - and I've already nibbled ne carrot and radish n ... leeecker! What

ne great thing - really!

I'm back and exchange. Any material information is attending ... As things stay fresh longer and so on.

Oh, that's all exciting - I think I've really discovered ne great thing for me: o)

.. dei and mice will also be pleased if they get in the future of regular green. as they are here to fucking with me quite a bit off than at Mama * Grin *

.. to compensate for so much green I'm the way today (finally) removed two door red. Only the first of four upcoming paints * sigh * .. but hey - one after the other. And if I never make the first coat,'s will never be finished!

Carpet Colors That Go With Orange And Brown

excitement: o)

through this day with me an excited, nervous, jittery anticipation:

The anticipation of my green box that awaits me tonight * hop *

.. oh, this is exciting! Already

funny how a couple of carrots, apples, plums, a head of lettuce, zucchini (for Swiss readers: zucchini) , peppers (for Swiss readers: pepperoni) , radishes and sweet corn to me all day to jump with anticipation sweeten * *

This is a great menu in a wok * * licking .. and much to nibble alongside: o)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Baby Lock Sewing Machine Grace Prices

Barbarellas view of the world.

am The Spinner made an interesting quiz

.. and what came out?

You scored as Hinduism

You scored as Hinduism. Your views are most similar to those of ... Hinduism! Do some research on Hinduism and possibly consider becoming Hindu, if you are not already. With its origins in the Vedic civilization it has no known founder, being itself a conglomerate of diverse beliefs and traditions. It is the world's oldest extant religion, and has approximately a billion adherents, of whom about 905 million live in India and Nepal, placing it as the world's third largest religion after Christianity and Islam. Other countries with large Hindu populations include Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Fiji, Suriname, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago. Hinduism contains a vast body of scriptures. Divided as revealed and remembered and developed over millennia, these scriptures expound on a broad of range of theology, philosophy and mythology, providing spiritual insights and guidance on the practice of dharma (religious living). Among such texts, Hindus consider the Vedas and the U

Hinduism (Hinduismus)

Paganism (Heidentum)

Agnosticism (Agnostizismus)


Printer (Satanismus)


Confucianism (Konfuzianismus)

Atheism (Atheismus)

Christianity (Christianity)

Judaism (Judaism)

Buddhism (Buddhism)


95% Hindu bride? .... wow.

But now honestly really not surprising ... or?

... hm - yet! The immensely high percentage already.

... as hats and yes some religions, which I would never have heard what staun * *

M Jak Milosc Odcinki Online Mega

Ta-ta-ta-ta-tatatatata-ta-ta-ta-taaaa ...

all day wedding music on the radio and stories of people who were married on this day before n couple of years or indeed any wedding stories ...

.. somehow you will balla since with time. Although

worse is actually the lard music in between .. so I'm coming do not realize such a howling and wailing as I do not really fully corrosive - as I always bubbling in a Mordswut! * Grrrrrrr *

there really is little slow songs that I like ...

.. and one of the most brilliant I've only just n few days (and I've since yesterday juhuuu * *) * looking forward looking forward looking forward to CD * - was great ne Surprise * cheering *