Saturday, September 12, 2009

Putting Nail Polish On Warts

Pretty bold!

seems for every person to give it emotive words - words that can be from the party immediately and permanently increase the blood pressure.

For me it is an emotive word "brazen."

not know why and it must be based not on me, luckily no one has told me I was bold .. I would probably totally freaked out!

It is enough if one introduces the sentence with: "May I ask you very boldly, ob .." and I can instantly NEN screaming fit get and the one going to the neck.

The word belongs to me so of course, the passive vocabulary. I would never use (or almost never, because at the moment I use's yes). Logical. Then she got me so has a devastating effect, I will guarantee my environment not bother with it! For me, the word ne real imposition.

.. although I slowly got the suspicion that perhaps this is also a regional "problem" - because I hear the word (THANK GOD!) scarcity and read it more times - is probably better for the word thrower, in writing, I can him not strangle * grin * Where

me the question is:
Whether there is probably more "brazen" areas in Germany,
is where that word not totally commonplace?


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