Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Are You More Fertile After A Miscarriage?

Vastuveda is really exciting!

Still I read the book with Vastuveda tidy .

Similar to Feng Shui, the house / apartment divided into 9 squares and all the direction-oriented (okay, here, is Feng Shui so is at odds .. because those who host the always at the front door and, that after the direction .. but only on the outside). And each compass direction (surprise, surprise) has its meaning. And depending on where should lie with the personal problems to optimize the appropriate area.

this out ne cool thing.

... of course I feel every time read so far affected area a bit. It's here but that really an area to activate first best - and what I find most hotly:

I've read so far four areas - and to each I almost immediately occurred to anyone that would strengthen this area of exactly the problems described has - and included the physical discomfort! has

  • The North-East I jumped immediately - and is also my theme .. including thyroid problems, by the way ..

  • In the East, I knew immediately that I should even look at Mom, how this area looks like - totally fit the questions to her and of course, are "heart problems without physically investigating the cause "here is the rub.

  • The South East, I had a short time my friend in mind ... and really struggling for years with her sinus and allergies she also has plenty.

  • In the south
  • appeared spontaneously the image of another friend .. and I promptly les that these are again back in pain * grin * what a typical addition to stomach problems, symptoms that characterize the south ..

... so I peep me now times her for a compass .. and am curious if I come in the other directions, because even if I will again be skipped by people around me really.


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