Friday, September 11, 2009

Cruising Gays Columbus Ga

misdirected .. really great: o)

Just now I come home and've got a message on my AB:

"Hello Barbarella - I'm still in with Anita and Carol Stern, come even if you're interested Best wishes, * incomprehensible Name *. "

... higher?

So not even Anita Carol I n term - and where this should be a star: No idea. And the name I do not understand and find the number I never in my phone.

It really is determined n mistake, if one sends a SMS to a landline number, right?

.. So I brave a text message to the sent me cell phone number written in which I said did that I had ne message on my AB, but unfortunately can not do anything with Anita, Carol, and star and me, the name was unintelligible, and hang the question on who had written to me for there ..

And shortly afterwards the phone rings - a uuuuuuralte classmate calls and tells me, laughing, that she had been wondering why answer "their" Barbarella not and wondered whether the zickt for now or what ..

* giggle *

Anyway, we had a good three-quarters of an hour s funny and nice conversation - those missing lines may still often give: o)

.. also fit great, because I always had good time. (! HIRSCH) Schnüggel is in fact only her tomorrow because he has (! HIRSCH) forget this evening to collect his car from the garage * *

gnnnnnnarf But now, well * sigh * - I use stop time for me ... and in principle I am grateful that he goes and do not drive I have .. So, what the heck - there are worse things in life. * Smile *


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