Thursday, September 17, 2009

How To Make Your Sim Masterbate

* * gröööhl

How cool is that?!

you just want to have your peace? .. here you are right:

With the possibility:
no users to create groups, invite
no friends and create a profile.

.. and delete various other profiles * grin * But
: Schaade, profiles on StudiVZ, who-knows-who, facebook and throw-me-remove dead, comes to me soooo out of the question.
.. I have no fact.

The only profile that I had was at - and there I've deleted the profile before yesterday because I was always almost never there in the last 3 years.
.. not that the Lokalisten are bad, no, no .. It is not because of you - it's up to me!
.. I just do not want the stress.


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